I'm Frustrated!!! - Take Action

Dec 28, 2022

Story time.  Kristy and I were out on a date night this last week.  We used to head to Home Depot after dinner for dates.  Now we tend to end up at home stores and clothing stores.  This week we found ourselves at Winners. As I was wondering the store I saw a security guard zoned in on a guy.  Not to stereotype but the guy looked like someone who may apply the five finger discount to his purchases.

The security guard wasn’t exactly being discreet wearing his coat that said SECURITY on the back.  This guy had a full cart of merchandise, not like a shirt or two hidden but a full cart.   I thought to myself that the security guard must have seen him tuck something away inside his big winter coat.  I love a good caper so I decided to hang around and watch and what I saw next blew me away.  

This “Shopper” walked out of the store, pushing the full cart of merchandise.  The alarm went off at the front door and he just kept walking.  I waited for the security guard to jump into action and to be honest my heart rate increased a bit as I found myself moving towards to door to jump in on the action.  I waited for the Security guard to “do his job”, and waited, and waited.  I quickly realized that I was not going to be the “good Samaritan” on the 6 o’clock news who assisted in arresting this dangerous thief.  I think I need to write about ego soon :)

I went over to talk to the security guard and asked him what happened.  He said he has all the training for making an arrest but it’s their policy to not confront shoplifters or go “hand on”.  They follow to try to discourage, get a description and pass the info on to the Police.  I said to him, “So if I just grab this stuff” as I picked some clothing off the rack “and walked out you wouldn’t do anything”. His answer was a simple “No”.  I was shocked and amazed.  I mean it is a private company so who am I to judge how they operate their business and how they assess risk vs. reward.  I’m sure they’ve figured out that is costs less to let that merchandise go.  

It did get me to thinking that if I knew he wasn’t going to act would I have?  Would it be worth the risk?

As we went to my parents to pick up our kids we were talking with my Mom and Dad about what we witnessed.  I said I should have arrested the guy myself.  Everyone kind of blew me off and said that’s just crazy Darren talking and you wouldn’t and shouldn’t do that.  It’s too dangerous, it’s not safe, he may have had a weapon or a disease and you could get hurt.  I explained my point of view  that we don’t get to live in an awesome, free, civilized, free market, “safe” world if we’re not willing to risk a little to preserve it when we see wrong.  

I’ve thought about that night a lot recently.  My A type, adrenaline, need for justice personality really comes out in those situations.  If we do nothing to preserve and maintain our society as we see our world around us implode as it already it.  We see it Turning into a right is wrong and wrong is right, up is down and down is up, left is right and right is left good is bad and bad is good.  As we see our culture and morality slip right before our eyes we have no one else to blame but ourselves if we sit idly by and do nothing in the face of wrong and evil.    

I’m not saying acting in that situation is the right thing to do.  I’m not saying it’s the wrong thing to do.  I’m saying not considering acting is the wrong thing to do.  Not thinking about holding the line, defending what’s right, standing up for those who can’t stand up for themselves.  I think each decision we make we cast a vote for who we are.  If we don’t cast votes for standing up for good in the small ways, but still think we’ll stand up for ourselves and our fellow humans when the stakes are big.  I think that’s a lie we tell ourselves.   

The only thing I wish to impart to you if you’ve made it this far into my rant is a challenge.  When you see something you know is wrong do SOMETHING.  

That night I didn’t have to tackle the guy, arrest him, get in a fight or put myself in more danger.  But I could have said something loudly to him in the store as he was walking out.  I could have followed him.  I could have offered to pay for his stuff.  I could have tried to talk to him and found out his story and treated him like a human.  The last one is hard for me but I’m learning that we are all the very different and yet are all the same.  As a first responder I found that I lost a lot of compassion for people. Always saw and expected the worst.  I’m still all for justice and accountability but I’d like to salt it with a little more compassion than I’m comfortable with.  That’s just me being real and knowing that it’s hard for me to see some people as having value.  

None of those responses are right or wrong.   But they are all action which I would encourage you to be the action taker you were created to be. 

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