Slippery Fat Naked Guy

Jan 04, 2023

Slippery Fat Naked Dude covered in Sh!t

Story time.  I think it helps to think back to memories and calls that have made us laugh.  For anyone who is a Rookie or a Junior Firefighter this ones for you. 

At this point I had probably been on the job for 3-5 years.  We got called to an apartment for a lift assist with EMS.  We get there and I’m pretty sure the patient had a diabetic episode in the shower and was unconscious. 

We walked into the SMALL bathroom and immediately was met with an ungodly smell.  Later we discovered that the patient had a colostomy bag…that had busted open when he fell in the shower.  As we were in the room I looked around and it was clear I was the Jr. man by well over a decade and said “Well I guess I know what I’m doing”

As I climbed into the tub to get to know this slippery fat naked man covered in feces I knew all the hard work of becoming a firefighter had paid off.  I was in it for the glory!!!!! Lol.  Now you may have glossed over the fat part.  You may have missed the slippery part.  I certainly didn’t miss the naked part.    I know you know that dead weight is no joke.  So with my Captain behind me to assist in the lift by pulling on my bunker pants I got down and got intimate with this dude.  Let’s just say the experience didn’t disappoint.  I got my moneys worth and all 5 senses engaged in lifting this guy out of the tub and onto the stretcher.  My captain said that as I moved him he got hit in the face with smelly poop grenade odor that was released.  

That call provided years of laughter and memories at our hall.  Getting to re live the experience with those who were there, recount it for those who missed it and laugh at the life we live, the things we see and do.  What a way to go through life.  I don’t remember the false alarms, the everyday life, the minor traffic accidents, but it’s those experiences that bring some laughter, to life, that’s where I want to live.  It’s getting to experience the out of the ordinary things that make a story teller out you.   

As I’ve moved into a different stage of my life and career I find that I’m always looking to put myself into situations that have the possibility of bringing about a story worth telling.  I find myself jumping into frozen lakes, running 100 miles, starting a new business, reaching out to people to interview on the podcast that I have no business talking to, moving to a new country.  

 As life moves along and the ease of just mailing it in creeps in I am in a constant fight to pursue the live I say I want.  Social media become a weapon of mass distraction I would encourage all of us to put some things on the calendar that will cause you to live an experience that worth writing a story about.  This year I’m using Jesse Itzlers calendar to map out a 2023 that will have a few stories in it.  

 Check that out here:

Welcome to Breathe 911.  You belong here.  Please send me an email to connect, to chat, to tell me you story or if you have any questions.  I’d love to hear from you.  [email protected] 

Or connect with me on Instagram - Breathe 911 - IG

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